
Our research featured in the news

Essay by undergraduate intern Jacquelyn Du nominated for a prize in Economics (May 2019)
Yale Department of Economics

Brain biomarkers identify those at risk of severe PTSD symptoms (January 2019)
Yale News

Risky behavior declines with age, and gray matter may explain why (December 2016)
The Washington Post

Risk avoidance in older adults is related to brain anatomy, not age (December 2016)
Yale News

When food's the reward, obese women's judgment fails them (July 2014)
Los Angeles Times

Obese Women 'show signs of food learning impairment' (July 2014)
BBC News

Why Older People Tend to Be Poor Decision-makers (September 2013)
Time Magazine

Why the Teen Brain is Drawn to Risk (October 2012)
Time Health and Family

Teens Don't Really Like Taking Risks, Study Finds (October 2012)
U.S. News Health

The Decision Making Study at Yale University (September 2011)
WTNH News 8

Teen Risk-Taking Shows Tolerance of Unknown Outcomes